Many people avoid used electronics because of returns can be more likely. This is often due to the way things are presented. Many sellers will put an electronic item in a poly bag and ship it like that. I have seen them not even put the effort to ensure the item is clean and cosmetically presentable before shipment. This comes across sloppy and unprofessional.
The best way to present a used electronics item is to bubble wrap the item well, box it in its own box (even if shipping to Amazon FBA, just put a “This Is A Set Do Not Separate” sticker on the box), and to print the manual for the item (if it does not come with the manual). Depending on the item the cost of printing the manual could be high and might make it ideal to pass on that item. Just including the manual adds a personal touch and can help avoid returns.
To make the experience more personal on anything I am pre-boxing for Amazon FBA I will put a Post-It note with a handwritten “Thanks!” on it. It takes 2 seconds and it adds a personal touch that is normally lacking from Amazon and eBay purchases, and people actually appreciate it.
The main thing to consider is how the item will look when the customer receives it. Do what you can to best ensure that the customer is completely satisfied and you will also keep profit-draining returns to a minimum.