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The old "trick" that people have been using of ending an item and selling similar from that item is failing many people. The problem is that it never addresses the real issue with the items relisted and it is...
Low ball offers are not the problem that many sellers make them out to be. They are an opportunity for you to close a sale. You cannot be a professional in your reselling business if you are getting your...
Many entrepreneurs will scale their businesses up to a comfortable level and then stop their forward momentum, or even begin shrinking back. This is a fatal flaw that leads to many businesses failing. It is too easy to get...
Too many are running their resale business like hobbies and not treating it like a real business. They are uninformed about the basic rules of the platforms and take experiences with problem buyers personally. To become the best that...
You do not have to wallow around in the mediocrity of the average reseller, whining and complaining about marketplaces, the economy, customers, sourcing locations, and all the other stuff they cry about. There is an anointing of favor that...