Is God responsible for the ups and downs in your life? This thought-provoking question has sparked intense debates among believers and non-believers alike. In this video, I delve into the complexities of faith, free will, and the role of...
Are you tired of feeling like your life is not perfect? Do you often find yourself wondering why things aren't going as planned? The truth is, YOU are the reason your life is not perfect! In this video, I...
Is being average perfectly fine for the believer, or is it actually a tragic crime against God? The reality is that being average is below the high calling we have in Christ Jesus, and it is diminishing the work...
Is suffering a fundamental aspect of the Christian faith? In this thought-provoking video, I discuss the different types of suffering and delve into the age-old question of whether suffering is a requirement for Christianity. From the biblical accounts of...
Video I reference in this video is at
Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is...