Law of Attraction

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There is a mighty power to create the life you want bound up within you waiting for you to release it by the grace of God, but so few recognize this truth. Most believe that they are victims of...
The world and the professing Christian church pushed for mediocrity. They tell those who will listen to it that life is hard and suffering is just an inevitable part of life. They will trick you into believing for suffering,...
Your vibration is of the utmost importance in your life. A low vibration is associated with sickness, sadness, and all the evils of the world, while a high vibration is associated with health, happiness, and all the goodness of...
When you choose to think and speak like God you will start to develop a life of heaven on earth! This is something that is completely misunderstood by the average professing Christian and it is something that must be...
Many professing Christian shun the law of attraction even though Jesus plainly taught it. It is a simple concept to understand, but so few put it into action. And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. For verily I...