
Home Misc. Affirmations
This is a 21 day challenge to see the prosperity of the Lord released into your life. For 21 days I want you to speak forth the affirmations in this video each morning right when you wake up. Speak...
Get The eBook Version "200 Rapid Weight Loss Affirmations" For FREE Now At: https://www.TaughtToProfit.comGet The Print Version "200 Rapid Weight Loss Affirmations" Now At: Weight loss does not have to be difficult. It does not have to be an...
Many times affirmations fail to work for people because they just cannot get their faith behind them. This video will teach you how to add in the Scripture to get a mighty, faith-building boost to your affirmations! Get The "Work...
Many people have issues with affirmations and their mind sabotaging them. There are a few tips that you can implement to make affirmations work for you to create the good life that you want (and that God wills for...
There are really only two reports that you can bring: either a good report or an evil report. Many unwittingly choose to decree evil reports, but you must choose the good and decree that over your life! Get The "Work...