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Many today are trying to "do what they love" as a business and it ends often in miserable failure. This idea is so common that people never even stop to question it or consider if it has any truth...
In a previous video I talked about "The Luck Factor" where successful people make their own luck through hard, smart work, but there is an aspect to life where the right timing is needed to have a venture become...
Many think that small things do not really matter. If they promise to do something they view actually doing it as being optional. Some say that it does not really matter because it is a minor thing, but when...
Many people seek wise counsel and advice from people who have been successful, only to turn around and ruin the advice by changing it and doing things their own way. There is much wisdom in seeking advice and then...
Many will not even read books that may have some minor things they disagree with. They are robbing themselves of many skills including discernment and the knowledge they could have gained from knowing an opposing point of view.