Reseller Mindset

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God cares for every aspect of your life, even the more trivial sounding ones like sourcing for inventory. Get in tune with the infinite and following the leading of the Spirit so that you source the best items and...
There is a lot of negativity in the reselling community and if you give heed to it you will be brought down. I have seen too many people who were on their ways to great reselling success get sidetracked...
Resellers have to realize that they are not the victims of the marketplaces or their customers. They choose the level of success they will have by their wise or foolish choices, their effort, and their consistency. Also, resellers complaining...
The old "trick" that people have been using of ending an item and selling similar from that item is failing many people. The problem is that it never addresses the real issue with the items relisted and it is...
Low ball offers are not the problem that many sellers make them out to be. They are an opportunity for you to close a sale. You cannot be a professional in your reselling business if you are getting your...