Law of Attraction

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There are some people that try to find the negative in anything, and they are actually becoming anxious over manifestations happening quickly. I know this is probably a small percentage of the population, but it is just another way...
Video referenced in this video: Your choices in life, including the thoughts you choose to think, have an effect on others besides yourself. I am not just referring to people directly impacted by your actions, but even your thoughts...
Disclaimer: I am not encouraging you to play the lottery or other games of chance (unless the Spirit led you to buy a ticket). The purpose of this video is a little thought experiment on what a person of...
There is great power to have what you say and decree over your life if you will speak the Scripture over your life! God has not left you powerless in this life. He has given you great power, the...
I mentioned in the video "How To Be An Elite Level Manifester" that for most people to coach them I would give them a 20 second coaching class. This is an expounding on that idea that will be a...