Law of Attraction

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You must learn that you are a co-creator with God and can create the reality that you want to experience. I encourage you to get my book "Co-Creators With God" at Get The "You May Be Broke But You...
The word utter originally came from from words meaning outer. What we utter is creating our outer world. Just as by the word of God the world's were framed so is our world framed each day by the words...
There are many things in your daily life that you do without thinking that could have affirmations and visualization added to them to help you get even better results and lead to greater success in life! Get The "Co-Creators With...
The cause of the fall of man is an issue still plaguing humanity today. You do not have to remain limited or believing in limitation, my friend! Get The "Co-Creators With God" Book at The "You May Be Broke...
"When the past is always with you, it may as well be present; and if it is present, it will be future as well." - Famous Quote Get The "Co-Creators With God" Book at The "You May Be Broke...