Law of Attraction

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There is an old saying that we should "fake it till we make it." This is normally used for individuals to act like the person that they want to be. While this can have good results for some people,...
You cannot be just trying to do things under your own power. If you are going to live the blessed life you must recognize and utilize God's power! Get The "Work Smarter & Harder" Book at The "Co-Creators With...
When the world is talking good times, you should also talk good times. When the world is talking bad times, you should still talk good times. What the world chooses to focus on should not distract you from your...
The power of your words to create your life is largely overlooked today. Many people blame the circumstances and experiences in their lives for the circumstances and experiences in their lives, as if they are self-caused. The reality is...
Positivity is not optional if you are going to be a remarkable success in life. As long as you allow other people to control your attitude by their actions, you are essentially a servant to them. In this video,...