There is great prosperity, freely given by God, available to you right now, but there is something you must do to get it. The lack of this key thing is what keeps people in poverty, lack, and limitation, and...
There are some powerful principles given to us in the Scripture that need to be combined with the leading of the Spirit and righteous living to produce the money that people desire in life. Many approach money as a...
God has not put you here to be broke, weak, sickly, depressed, or any such negative experience. Humans have a great ability to try to justify their current experiences, but this settling for what is actually is dishonoring to...
Are affirmations not working for you? Do you feel worse after affirming? Do you think that affirmations are just not something that is effective in your life? The key to you affirming and manifesting what you want may lie...
If you are anywhere close to being average then you need to go on a journey from average to extraordinary. There is no excuse for a Christian to be average. You know the Creator of all things and should...