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"Work smarter, not harder." -Lazy person's motivational saying The first time I heard this saying something about it bothered me. When I pondered it the reason why it bothered me became readily apparent. This saying is often an excuse for laziness...
"Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion" -Parkinson's Law, from Parkinson's Law, and Other Studies in Administration Essentially this "law" is saying that all the time you allot to a task will be used in the...
Yesterday, I was sourcing via Retail Arbitrage at a local store where the employees are friendly and positive. As I finished up I got in line to check out. I heard a woman start yelling at a cashier about...
Raise is a gift card site with a well-designed app for gift cards. If you are sourcing via Retail Arbitrage or Online Arbitrage then you need to be using Raise. You can find gift cards that are up to...
There are a variety of ways to improperly pack an item to ship to your customer, but today I am showing you one such way that is thoroughly inefficient and bizarre. This particular method of packing was performed by...