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The Law of Success does not allow for prosperity in indolence. Hard and smart work is required to achieve and receive the blessing of the Lord in this life. God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34) and has...
You have the mind of Christ and have all the wisdom and infinite intelligence of God available to you at all times. Is there an issue you need wisdom about? You have the mind of Christ, the mind of...
Many people default to a poverty vibration. They do not even realize it and can look at the abundance in their lives, but only see poverty, lack, and want. The poverty vibration is very similar to body dysmorphia, where...
There are some who only claim to serve God for what they can get out of it. For some, this is salvation from hell, for others, they want the material blessing of the Lord in their lives. Both have...
Every day you are presented with opportunities that could lead to your success, happiness, and wealth. Do not delay or wait till the opportunity passes before making a decision. Be quick, wise, and decisive. These small opportunities often lead...