Poverty Mentality
People may believe that they are poor due to circumstances, other people, governments, or any other excuse, but the root cause is an underlying belief in poverty, lack, and want. This is often exhibited in holding many beliefs about...
Do you know of the single asteroid that is estimated to have over $10,000 Quadrillion dollars' worth of value? It is just one of the nearly 1,000,000 known asteroids, and trillions of total asteroids in our universe. This is...
There is a common misconception that the rich think that poor people should just "stop being poor," but is there a hint of truth to that sarcastic statement? Is there no solution for one's poverty or state in life?...
Many people feel like generosity is optional in life, but this is the very mentality that keeps them from becoming wealthy. The truly wealthy know that generosity is a part of their wealth and brings even more wealth into...
Amongst professing Christians are some very evil people who sneak in and try to keep Christians from success or shame them for their wealth. They search the Scriptures, not to find out how to live better lives, but to...