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The wisdom in examining yourself, realigning yourself to be in tune with the Spirit, and being led by the Spirit cannot be emphasized enough. Many people are flailing around through life going from problem to problem because they are...
Poverty can be cured in the hearts of men, but only when the cause of it is properly addressed. Just throwing money at poor people will not change the situation that they are in except for a short period...
We are already gratified by believing that we received when we prayed. There may be temporal delay in the receiving in the physical world, but we are gratified by faith. Yes, we may need to "delay gratification" in life...
Are You Limiting God?

Are You Limiting God?

Pray limitless prayers, get the "Prayer That Actually Works" book today: http://amzn.to/2C9Adkh Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel. (Psalms 78:41) Music Credit: "Wisdom" Ryan Hicks Conscious Positivity: Volume 2 https://www.ConsciousPositivity.com ...
The world has programmed many people to daily seek propaganda reprogramming that keeps them conformed to this world and hinders them from ever being conformed to the image of Christ. I issues a challenge in this video to those...