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Stop looking to astrological events or anything external to you for a change. The only change can come from within with repentance and walking in the truth. When you have God in you, Christ in you, then you can...
Many are talking about the new year on the horizon as if it is their savior. They act like they were just victims of the former year and the new year is somehow going to be better because it...
People may believe that they are poor due to circumstances, other people, governments, or any other excuse, but the root cause is an underlying belief in poverty, lack, and want. This is often exhibited in holding many beliefs about...
The modern world and social media heavily promotes physical beauty as being the pinnacle of life, but it is a fading and vapid pursuit. Without improvement of the inner man of the heart, all outward beauty is covering up...
There is a mistake that successful people often make in trying to help the "losers" in life (people not winning). You cannot be the savior of these people, and any time spent coaching or mentoring them will likely be...