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Q and A #6 - Do You Justify Sellers Selling Things That Could Be Used For Sinning? Should You Do Business With Companies That Go Against Your Values? This is a question asked by a viewer that I wanted to...
Many people just repeat this saying of "Your Network is your Net Worth" without even thinking about it. Numerous networking meetings and conferences exist solely based on this theory, but the reality is that few actually become wealthy due...
Many measure themselves by their accumulation of things or net worth, but this is not the true measure of success. Music Credit: "Relaxing Piano Music" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Many people make all kinds of progress, only to make one big decision that undoes or destroys all the progress they made. This self-sabotage is generally due to self-limiting beliefs that keep you restricted to mediocrity.
Most people are not masters of their thoughts, rather they are mastered by them. They respond and bend to every random thought and whim their brain throws before them. This is not a path you have to continue down....