Cleer Platinum is a Chrome browser extension that gives you quick access to a variety of sites and sourcing opportunities online. It places buttons to access information for the particular item the button is under on the site you are sourcing from. For example, the below image shows the buttons it creates on Walmart’s site.
The “E.C.” button is eBay completed listings for that item. This is valuable even if you do not sell on eBay, because it can show you the demand for a given item. The “E” button is for an eBay search for current listings for that item. The “A” button is for Amazon’s listing(s) for that item. For most of the popular sites you will be sourcing from online Cleer Platinum will add the buttons under each item to make research easy with the click of a button. What if Cleer Platinum does not add buttons to a rare site you are sourcing from? They made it easy with the ability to search for an item on ANY site using Cleer Platinum and highlighting the item and choosing which site you want to research the item on.

With Cleer Platinum creating buttons on most sites or giving you the feature to highlight and research from any site, it covers all your online arbitrage research needs.
You can see on Amazon it has numerous buttons for each item, like CamelCamelCamel, Keepa, Alibaba, AliExpress,, Google, Ebay Completed Listings, Ebay Current Listings, and you can even search all of those sites with one click by clicking “All.”
If you source products or research them online, you can immediately see how Cleer Platinum would save you a lot of time. I use it regularly, and they are constantly adding features to it. There is only a one time fee, so you do not have to worry about endless monthly fees. If you want to watch a video showing it in action then please go to:
Here is a little description from their web site:
“Cleer Platinum:
> Works for resellers, book sellers, even private labelers
> Answers ‘can I make a profit on this item?’ with as little as 1 click
> Has a lifetime 100% money-back guarantee, no questions asked, no tricks
>Now includes BONUS tools and guides (over $50 worth)”