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2016 Poll – What Are Your Biggest Hindrances As An Entrepreneur? Plus, Quick Tip For Raising Capital!


I ran a poll asking people what was their biggest hindrance as an entrepreneur. In this video I discuss the results and give a quick tip on raising capital. If you want to see the video I mentioned in this video called, “How To Make Money Online From Home Fast! No Money Or Experience Is Required To Start Making Money Today!” then go to: https://goo.gl/6uEwVp

How To Make Money Online From Home Fast! No Money Or Experience Is Required To Start Making Money Today!


Many people ask me how to make money online. Most are looking to make millions will they have not even made thousands. I tell you a really simple and free way to make money online from home fast, starting today!

Stop Being A Victim Of Life – You Have Control To Make The Changes Needed To Dramatically Improve Your Life!


Many feel they are mere victims of life, put here to just suffer through whatever happens. This mindset fails to see that we have a lot more control over life than we may think.

Music Credit:

Dreamer Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Entrepreneur Break Time – Siamese Cat Cuddling With 3 Week Old Great Pyrenees Puppies – Cuteness Overload


This is a Siamese cat named Len Chen who is about 10 months to a year old here and adores the 3 week old Great Pyrenees puppies she has befriended. This is just a little break from the business and success videos to hopefully make you smile, though it still has a short admonition to not lose momentum in the beginning.

Music Credit:

Happy Bee Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Continued Failure Will Occur Until Weakness Is Overcome!


For many, failure has become a pattern in their lives. Any successes they might have are immediately enveloped in failure. This can be overcome if the problem is recognized and the proper action is taken to resolve it.