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Sony, Nikon, and Microsoft Products Now Require Approval On Amazon?

Sony And Nikon Restricted Gated On Amazon

The big news of the day today in the reseller community was that Amazon has now restricted sellers from selling Sony, Nikon, and Microsoft products without invoices proving the purchase of large quantities or authorization from Sony, Nikon, and/or Microsoft to be an authorized reseller. This does not seem to cover all products as some very old Sony products like PlayStation 1 games, for example, seem to still allow third-party merchants to sell them.

The news has had many people panicking and talking about how they are going to lose most of their business and other doomsday scenarios. In any trial, we should look for the opportunity. Instead of giving up, cursing Amazon, or whining about how “unfair” this change is, we should have already prepared for any such problems and have backup plans in place.

The most obvious backup plan in such a situation is eBay. Instead of spending time complaining about the new rule, take the time to list your Sony, Nikon, or Microsoft products on eBay. Many people have become so spoiled to the ease of listing and selling through Amazon’s FBA service that they completely overlook the eager buyers on eBay. This restriction on Amazon opens up great opportunities for wise sellers to both sell their items on eBay for a better profit AND to be able to find good deals on Sony, Nikon, and Microsoft products that panicky Amazon sellers are flooding onto eBay with little regard for creating a good title and well-worded listing.

In times of trouble the successful person just finds more success. Do not let unsuccessful and negative people drag you down into their failure. Find the opportunity this situation opens to you and move on it immediately! You will be the one doing even better next month while other sellers are still complaining about the change on Amazon or are quitting altogether.

Make Sure To Have Suffocation Warning On All Poly Bags

Suffocation Warning Required For Amazon
Suffocation Warning Required For Amazon - *Not Cats Were Hurt In The Making Of This Picture

According to PlasticsIndustry.com:

“Several states, including California, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, and
Virginia, have laws that require suffocation warning labels for plastic bags. In addition, two
major cities, Chicago, IL and New York, NY have adopted ordinances requiring similar warning
labels for plastic bags. At least a dozen other smaller cities or towns have similar laws requiring
suffocation warning labels for plastic bags.1 Canada has also implemented comparable warning

-From https://www.plasticsindustry.org/files/industry/Plastic%20Bag%20Warning%20Label%20Requirements%202012-12-04%20pdf.pdf

More and more cities and states are requiring this suffocation warning be on all bags and it will likely eventually become another federal regulation. Due to this, Amazon requires all bags with an opening of 5 inches or more to have a suffocation warning on the bag. This can be either by a suffocation warning label or by having it pre-printed on the poly bag. Here are the exact requirements Amazon has for the suffocation warning that must be on the poly bags:

Poly bags used to protect Units must meet the following requirements:

  • Poly bags with a 5″ opening or larger (measured when flat) are required to have a suffocation warning, either printed on the bag itself, or attached as a label.
    • For example: “WARNING: To avoid danger of suffocation, keep this plastic bag away from babies and children. Do not use this bag in cribs, beds, carriages or play pens. This bag is not a toy.”
    • The warning should be printed or placed in a prominent location and in a legible font size for the size of the bag.
    • Print size of this warning should conform to the following table:
      Total Length plus Width of Bag Minimum Print Size
      60 inches or more 24 point
      40 to 59 inches 18 point
      30 to 39 inches 14 point
      less than 29 inches 10 point

-From http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/?nodeId=200243250#poly

If you do not abide by these rules you could have problems selling on Amazon, including account suspension. If you received a customer complaint for not having a suffocation warning notice on the bag you could face the termination of your selling privileges. This is a simple rule to follow and there is no excuse to not follow it. The suffocation warning labels are not even a penny a label, so it is not even a burden financially to put the warning on any bag you use.

Beyond Amazon, I would suggest all eBay sellers put suffocation warning labels or use poly bags that have the warning pre-printed on them to avoid potential issues in the future. It is extremely inexpensive to do so, and makes sense to stay ahead of the rules and always ensure the best customer experience, regardless of the marketplace you are selling on.

*Sunny The Cat was not harmed in the making of this article’s featured image. 🙂

Amazon FBA – Remove Meltables By May 1st Or Lose Them

Amazon FBA Meltables Warning - TaughtToProfit.com

Amazon sent the following email today to sellers.


Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon.

As a reminder, meltable inventory such as chocolates must be removed from Amazon fulfillment centers by May 1, 2016. If you haven’t done so already, you can create a removal order to have your unsold meltable inventory returned to you or disposed of.

You will not be charged a return or disposal fee for removal orders placed between now and April 30, 2016, as part of our Free Removals Promotion. For more information on the promotion, refer to:

To create a removal order, please visit:

For more information regarding FBA temperature-sensitive products, please visit:

Thank you for selling on Amazon.

The Fulfillment by Amazon Team

Newbie Help – Simple and Effective Tips for Selling on Amazon FBA

Amazon Newbie Help - TaughtToProfit.com

You already know that Amazon is the world’s largest online retailer. What you may not know is that Amazon is a large online marketplace that connects buyers to sellers. Over 33 percent of the items sold on Amazon are sold by third-party sellers, and not Amazon directly.

What Is Amazon FBA?

FBA means Fulfillment by Amazon. When you register as a seller on Amazon FBA, you will be required to send your entire merchandise to the nearest Amazon Fulfillment Center(s). Your items go live on Amazon and if a customer buys them then Amazon ships the items to your customer, handles the customer service, and handles any returns and/or refunds.

Many sellers on Amazon have experienced a significant surge in sales since switching to Amazon FBA. It is estimated that over 65% of buyers on Amazon will not buy a merchant-fulfilled product, and will pay a higher price to get it from Amazon (or an Amazon FBA seller). With many millions of buyers using Amazon Prime, many would rather pay more for the great experience, free Prime shipping, and free returns that Amazon offers Prime members. While fees on FBA are higher than a merchant fulfilled service (where the seller handles the shipping, customer support and other responsibilities), the potential for sales and profit is a lot higher.

Amazon completely handles the shipping of your items when they sell via FBA. When you join Amazon FBA, you will have more time left for product research and sourcing, and other essential tasks, and don’t have to worry about the shipping.

Simple and Effective Tips for Selling on Amazon FBA

Tip #1: Register as a professional seller on Amazon, not as an individual seller – As a professional seller, you will not be charged the extra 99¢ per sale, in addition to the 15% sales commission, like individual sellers are. So the more you sell, the more you will save on fees. As a professional seller you can create listings for products that are not sold on Amazon and create product bundles as well.

Tip #2: You should have a reasonable start-up capital – It takes money to make money on Amazon. You will need a little start-up capital to get started. You will need this money for the supplies and inventory. Do not let this deter you since many have started with a paltry $50-100 and built up to over $100,000 in sales in their first year!

Tip #3: Persist through the hard times – It is not going to be easy in the beginning. You will probably lose money initially, or make a small profit at best. The learning curve can be steep on Amazon. The profits will come with experience and a lot of hard work. Never give up and you will find success!

Tip #4: Know the rules – Amazon has lots of rules and regulations and it is vitally important that you read up their Terms of Service. Make a note of Amazon’s policies related to your activities on the site. Do not just presume that your way is the way Amazon would want something done. Amazon’s Condition Guidelines, for example, are very different than most sellers would rate items, especially if they are coming from a background selling on eBay. Read Ryan’s article titled “Amazon Condition Guidelines – Most Sellers Get This Wrong” for more information.

Tip #5: Be responsive to customers – Be sure to answer any queries from customers within 24 hours, otherwise that failure to respond promptly will count as a demerit against your account. Set up your account so that all questions are sent to your email, and check it regularly.

Tip #6: Be accurate with the product description – You cannot afford to make any mistakes with the product description. If there are any discrepancies, this can lead to negative feedback, returns and possibly the suspension or removal of your Amazon selling privileges.

Tip #7: Bundle multiple packs – It is very hard to compete on Amazon with single-item sales alone. So to set yourself apart from other sellers by selling your items as bundles and multi-packs. While it is a little more work, this will pay off in the long run.

Tip #7: Use large images and stick to Amazon’s image guidelines – Amazon requires all images to be a minimum of 1006 pixels. There are other rules to be followed with the images. For example, the product should be displayed on a plain white background, so consider a service like FotoFuze to make your images perfect.

Tip #8: Ask for product reviews – If you have listed your own unique product, multi-pack, or bundle and a buyer leaves a feedback saying that they like the product, send them an email to thank them for the feedback and request them to leave a review for the product. Positive reviews can boost your sales by at least 40% on Amazon.

Tip #9: Do your best to remove negative feedback – If you get a negative or neutral feedback, email the customer immediately and offer a sincere apology. Request them to remove the feedback and explain how and why the mistake was made. In most cases, customers remove a negative if convinced about your sincerity. Also consider that you may be able to get the feedback removed automatically upon requesting it be removed from Amazon, read more about that here. If you are serious about success then consider a service to help you get 1000% more positive feedback left for you than average like the one discussed here.


Maintain the highest standards for your inventory, how you rate the condition of the items you ship to Amazon FBA, and how you treat your customer. Amazon wants the customer to have the best possible experience, and if anything about how you are selling would contribute to a poor user experience then Amazon could suspend or permanently remove your selling privileges. Be professional, treat your customer right, and Amazon will reward you with great success!

OAXray – The Best Online Sourcing Tool Available

OAXray - The Best Online Arbitrage Sourcing Tool - TaughtToProfit.com

OAXray is an online arbitrage sourcing tool that literally saves you countless hours of time that would be spent retrieving data for each item on a site. OAXray is a extension that does hours of online sourcing work in a single click.

OAXray Supports Over 50 Sites - TaughtToProfit.com
OAXray Supports Over 50 Sites – TaughtToProfit.com

If you are on any of the over 50 sites OAXray supports and want to research all 50 items on a particular page, how do you do this? The manual way of researching those 50 items would take you probably two hours at least to get sales rank, calculate ROI, see what the lowest FBA seller is selling for, compare with numerous other sites for the lowest price, and much more. If you have done any online arbitrage at all then you know that two hours is probably a low estimate of how long it would take to get all that information about 50 items. I just tested it right now, and for 59 items on a page at Walmart.com I clicked the OAXray button and about 30 seconds later I had all that information and more for those 59 items.

In a real world scenario if none of the items on that page had a good return on investment, then you would have just wasted over 2 hours of your life and have no items with any profit potential to show for it. With OAXray you would have spent 30 seconds and determined nothing was worth buying, and then you could move on to the next page of items to research. It is also worth noting that you can have OAXray researching multiple pages at one time, so you do not have to wait for the results in order to move on to the next page to research. It will open a new tab for each page you are scanning with OAXray.

OAXray scans the page you are on, and then finds a treasure trove of information that enables you in a glance to see what items are worth buying for resale and what items should be skipped. It has features like a Buy List, where you can add each item you find with one click to the list, and even export that list into an CSV file. Below is an example of the results it shows:

OAXray Example Results - TaughtToProfit.com
OAXray Example Results – TaughtToProfit.com

Keep in mind that this is only part of the data it pulled, and this is from a single click and about 30 seconds of time. You can see how in a glance you would be able to tell what to buy or not buy and then you can move on to researching the next page. You can research thousands of items in the time it would take you to research dozens manually. This is a huge benefit for people who do online arbitrage or who are considering it. The biggest reason I hear from people about why they do not do online arbitrage is they do not find anything worth buying and it takes too long to find profitable items. With OAXray you can find items that are profitable in a matter of minutes, and also filter out a lot of items that are not going to be profitable.

If you are interested in OAXray then please go to them through our link below. We have partnered with OAXray to get you a free trial that is double the normal free trial time. You will find out real quickly how OAXray can immediately revolutionize your online arbitrage experience and increase your productivity by 1000’s of percent.

OAXray - Try It For Free Today!
OAXray – Try It For Free Today!