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How The Leading Of The Spirit Guides You To The Easy Life!


Many people may not recognize it, but we all have access to the gentle leading of the Spirit in ALL areas of our lives. What is often shrugged off as our own thoughts or not to be heeded, in many cases, is the voice of the Spirit leading us into all truth. We need to be cognizant of this truth and seek the Lord’s wisdom in the small things and the big things. If we take action on His leading, it will help us avoid so much heartache, trouble, and suffering!

Get The “Work Smarter & Harder” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/work-smart-and-harder-by-ryan-hicks
Get The “Co-Creators With God” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/co-creators-with-god-learn-how-to-create-the-abundant-life-jesus-came-to-give-you
Get The “You May Be Broke But You Deserve To Be Rich!” book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/you-may-be-broke-but-you-deserve-to-be-rich-by-ryan-hicks
Get The Book “God’s Secret Law Of Attraction” at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/gods-secret-law-of-attraction-by-ryan-hicks

Music Credit:

“Beauty” Ryan Hicks
Conscious Positivity: Volume 1

Reseller Friday #1 – Answering Your Questions About Selling On Ebay, Poshmark, Mercari, and Depop! DailyRefinement And RockStar Flipper Drama!


I have been reselling on multiple platforms for over 20 years and have helped resellers become more successful. If you have a question, please feel free to ask it and I will answer it in a video for you! I will answer as many questions as I can, because I want to be a blessing for you!

The first question is from a person who had a case closed without seller resolution. They were complaining about how unfair eBay is, but they failed to provide the proper customer service. In my experience of over 20 years on eBay, the vast majority of the time eBay will do the right thing to help sellers IF the sellers have kept up their end.

Get The “Work Smarter & Harder” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/work-smart-and-harder-by-ryan-hicks
Get The “Co-Creators With God” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/co-creators-with-god-learn-how-to-create-the-abundant-life-jesus-came-to-give-you
Get The “You May Be Broke But You Deserve To Be Rich!” book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/you-may-be-broke-but-you-deserve-to-be-rich-by-ryan-hicks
Get The Book “God’s Secret Law Of Attraction” at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/gods-secret-law-of-attraction-by-ryan-hicks

Music Credit:

“Beauty” Ryan Hicks
Conscious Positivity: Volume 1

How To Boost Your Affirmations With The Word Of God!


Many times affirmations fail to work for people because they just cannot get their faith behind them. This video will teach you how to add in the Scripture to get a mighty, faith-building boost to your affirmations!

Get The “Work Smarter & Harder” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/work-smart-and-harder-by-ryan-hicks
Get The “Co-Creators With God” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/co-creators-with-god-learn-how-to-create-the-abundant-life-jesus-came-to-give-you
Get The “You May Be Broke But You Deserve To Be Rich!” book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/you-may-be-broke-but-you-deserve-to-be-rich-by-ryan-hicks
Get The Book “God’s Secret Law Of Attraction” at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/gods-secret-law-of-attraction-by-ryan-hicks

Music Credit:

“Beauty” Ryan Hicks
Conscious Positivity: Volume 1

Tips To Make Affirmations Work For You! Askfirmations And Prophetically Speaking!


Many people have issues with affirmations and their mind sabotaging them. There are a few tips that you can implement to make affirmations work for you to create the good life that you want (and that God wills for you to have)!

Get The “Work Smarter & Harder” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/work-smart-and-harder-by-ryan-hicks
Get The “Co-Creators With God” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/co-creators-with-god-learn-how-to-create-the-abundant-life-jesus-came-to-give-you
Get The “You May Be Broke But You Deserve To Be Rich!” book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/you-may-be-broke-but-you-deserve-to-be-rich-by-ryan-hicks
Get The Book “God’s Secret Law Of Attraction” at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/gods-secret-law-of-attraction-by-ryan-hicks

Music Credit:

“Beauty” Ryan Hicks
Conscious Positivity: Volume 1

You Must Do Something To Prosper! God Does Not Prosper The Indolent!


You must do something to prosper. It is only whatsoever you DO that prospers. You cannot lie around and expect God to do it for you!

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, Nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; And in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, That bringeth forth his fruit in his season; His leaf also shall not wither; And whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. The ungodly are not so: But are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. (Psalm 1:1‭-‬4)

Get The “Work Smarter & Harder” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/work-smart-and-harder-by-ryan-hicks
Get The “Co-Creators With God” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/co-creators-with-god-learn-how-to-create-the-abundant-life-jesus-came-to-give-you
Get The “You May Be Broke But You Deserve To Be Rich!” book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/you-may-be-broke-but-you-deserve-to-be-rich-by-ryan-hicks
Get The Book “God’s Secret Law Of Attraction” at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/gods-secret-law-of-attraction-by-ryan-hicks

Music Credit:

“Beauty” Ryan Hicks
Conscious Positivity: Volume 1