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The World Programs You To Focus On The Cares Of This World!


And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word, And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful. (Mark 4:18-19)

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. (1 Peter 5:6-7)

The same Greek word is translated “cares” in Mark 4:19 and “care” in 1 Peter 5:7. The world will program you to be caught up in its cares. The idea of “cares” is that of worries, fears, and anxiety. If you allow the world’s media (including most professing Christian media) to program you, then you will have the word of God choked out of your heart and live a life beneath the blessed and abundant life that Jesus came to give you (John 10:10)!

Get The “Work Smarter & Harder” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/work-smart-and-harder-by-ryan-hicks
Get The “Co-Creators With God” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/co-creators-with-god-learn-how-to-create-the-abundant-life-jesus-came-to-give-you
Get The “You May Be Broke But You Deserve To Be Rich!” book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/you-may-be-broke-but-you-deserve-to-be-rich-by-ryan-hicks
Get The Book “God’s Secret Law Of Attraction” at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/gods-secret-law-of-attraction-by-ryan-hicks

Music Credit:

“Beauty” Ryan Hicks
Conscious Positivity: Volume 1

If You Are Praying For Rain, You Had Better Bring Your Umbrella! Faith Has Works That Prove It!


In whatever you pray for, you must take the appropriate actions that prove that you believe that you received it when you prayed. This does not mean that the actions bring it to pass, rather that true faith naturally produces action. Faith without works, is dead, being alone.

Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? (James 2:17-20)

Get The “Work Smarter & Harder” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/work-smart-and-harder-by-ryan-hicks
Get The “Co-Creators With God” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/co-creators-with-god-learn-how-to-create-the-abundant-life-jesus-came-to-give-you
Get The “You May Be Broke But You Deserve To Be Rich!” book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/you-may-be-broke-but-you-deserve-to-be-rich-by-ryan-hicks
Get The Book “God’s Secret Law Of Attraction” at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/gods-secret-law-of-attraction-by-ryan-hicks

Music Credit:

“Beauty” Ryan Hicks
Conscious Positivity: Volume 1

Minimalism, Simple Living, And The Christian!


The video I mentioned is here https://taughttoprofit.com/simple-living-and-minimalism/

Another video I made about minimalism and simple living https://taughttoprofit.com/the-downgrade-mentality-minimalism-and-other-ways-people-encourage-mediocrity-and-limitation/

Get The “Work Smarter & Harder” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/work-smart-and-harder-by-ryan-hicks
Get The “Co-Creators With God” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/co-creators-with-god-learn-how-to-create-the-abundant-life-jesus-came-to-give-you
Get The “You May Be Broke But You Deserve To Be Rich!” book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/you-may-be-broke-but-you-deserve-to-be-rich-by-ryan-hicks
Get The Book “God’s Secret Law Of Attraction” at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/gods-secret-law-of-attraction-by-ryan-hicks

Music Credit:

“Beauty” Ryan Hicks
Conscious Positivity: Volume 1

Awaking To Righteousness For Greater Success, Happiness, And Wealth In Life!

Awaking To Righteousness For Greater Success, Happiness, And Wealth In Life!

Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame. (1 Corinthians 15:33-34)

Get The “Work Smarter & Harder” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/work-smart-and-harder-by-ryan-hicks
Get The “Co-Creators With God” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/co-creators-with-god-learn-how-to-create-the-abundant-life-jesus-came-to-give-you
Get The “You May Be Broke But You Deserve To Be Rich!” book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/you-may-be-broke-but-you-deserve-to-be-rich-by-ryan-hicks
Get The Book “God’s Secret Law Of Attraction” at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/gods-secret-law-of-attraction-by-ryan-hicks

Music Credit:

“Beauty” Ryan Hicks
Conscious Positivity: Volume 1

Stop Worrying About What Other People Think And Stop Critiquing Others!


There is a way that I discuss in this video that will make your life exponentially better and will remove the concern for the opinions of others from your life. Beyond that, one must also be sure that if they are being critiqued and criticized by others, a lot that they are not doing the same thing themselves to others!

Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. (Galatians 6:1)

Get The “Work Smarter & Harder” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/work-smart-and-harder-by-ryan-hicks
Get The “Co-Creators With God” Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/co-creators-with-god-learn-how-to-create-the-abundant-life-jesus-came-to-give-you
Get The “You May Be Broke But You Deserve To Be Rich!” book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/you-may-be-broke-but-you-deserve-to-be-rich-by-ryan-hicks
Get The Book “God’s Secret Law Of Attraction” at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/gods-secret-law-of-attraction-by-ryan-hicks

Music Credit:

“Beauty” Ryan Hicks
Conscious Positivity: Volume 1