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Tag: faith in God

Do Not Give Up Your Faith In God!

Do Not Give Up Your Faith In God!
Many people will try to convince you to tone-down your faith in God. They will try to have you believe that it is risky...

A Lack Of Personal Discipline Keeps People In Bondage To Mediocrity!

A Lack Of Personal Discipline Keeps People In Bondage To Mediocrity!
Get The Book "Prayer That Actually Works" Today: http://amzn.to/2C9Adkh Many people just go through life on auto-pilot. They live for ease, rest, and relaxation. When...

Scaling Back Is A Sin – God Is More Than Enough...

Scaling Back Is A Sin - God Is More Than Enough And Seeks Your Greater Expansion Of Life!
Get "600 Wealth, Abundance, And Prosperity Affirmations" On Audible: http://shop.taughttoprofit.com/?2qvkXGSGet "600 Wealth, Prosperity, And Abundance Affirmations" physical book: http://shop.taughttoprofit.com/?2NDDoD6Get "600 Wealth, Prosperity, And Abundance...

Are You Allowing Your Mind To Be Blinded? Start Creating The...

Are You Allowing Your Mind To Be Blinded? Start Creating The Life You Want!
Many people have allowed their minds to be blinded by themselves, their circumstances, and even by other blinded people. Recognizing this blindness or blind...

Confront And Dismiss Fear Once And For All!

Confront And Dismiss Fear Once And For All!
For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one,...