Tag: goal setting
How To Become A Rare Man Or Woman!
In a world filled with conformity (compare with Romans 12:2), becoming a rare man or woman means embracing your uniqueness and standing out in...
You Do Not Deserve A Vacation, Stop Being Lazy!
Are you feeling guilty about wanting a vacation? You should! Do you find yourself justifying your need for a break while also struggling with...
Transforming Fear into Power: Manifesting Big Goals!
Are you ready to unleash your true potential and turn your fears into a powerful driving force for achieving your biggest goals? In this...
Unlock Your Manifestation Power with THIS Commitment Hack!
Are you ready to unlock your manifestation power? In this transformative video, I reveal a powerful commitment hack that will change the way you...
Goal Setting Is For Losers?
Most people who set goals never attain them. Does this mean that goal setters are losers, as some posit?
Music Credit:
"Relaxing Piano Music" Kevin...