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Tag: growth mindset

Mediocrity Is Unacceptable And Harmful To Christians!

Mediocrity Is Unacceptable And Harmful To Christians!
Living a complacent and apathetic life is not righteous behavior. We are so blessed to have the grace and favor of God operating in...

You Must Be In Wealth Creation Mode And Not Wealth Preservation...

You Must Be In Wealth Creation Mode And Not Wealth Preservation Mode!
In this enlightening video, I delve into the powerful mindset shift from wealth preservation to wealth creation. Discover why staying in wealth preservation mode...

Transform Yourself To Transform The World!

Transform Yourself To Transform The World!
The world does not need you trying to change it when you are not changed yourself. The world is the world, and while it...

How To Go From A Worrier To A Warrior!

How To Go From A Worrier To A Warrior!
Are you tired of living in fear and anxiety, constantly worried about what's to come? It's time to shift your mindset and become a...

Being Average Is A Crime Against God!

Being Average Is A Crime Against God!
Is being average perfectly fine for the believer, or is it actually a tragic crime against God? The reality is that being average is...