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Tag: law of attraction

Redouble Your Efforts To Focus Only On The Good!

Redouble Your Efforts To Focus Only On The Good!
Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. (Colossians 4:6) Get The...

What You Focus On Is What You Attract More Of Into...

What You Focus On Is What You Attract More Of Into Your Life!
We focus on things that we have faith is going to happen or expect more of, but we can choose to focus on things...

Q And A #9: What Does It Mean To Do The...

Q And A #9: What Does It Mean To Do The Right Things?
A viewer asked a question in response to my video "How To Walk In God's Divine Favor." They asked, "You said several times "do...

Choosing The Life That You Want To Live!

Choosing The Life That You Want To Live!
This may sound like a dream, but the truth is that you get to choose the life that you live. Most people are passively...

Do Not Let The Traditions Of Men Make You Powerless!

Do Not Let The Traditions Of Men Make You Powerless!
And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. (Mark 7:9)  Making the word...