Tag: money
Gain Is Not Godliness And Neither Is Poverty!
In times past, people thought gain was godliness, and this was refuted by verses of Scripture like 1 Timothy 6:5. Today, in the church,...
Get Rich Or Die Trying? Why You Must Get Rich NOW!
Being poor is not an option anymore in this world. In this video, I explain why you need to be rich, and you need...
What Is Money And How To Walk With God And Receive...
Money is not what many people think it is. It is not evil. It is not harmful to you, and God wants you to...
Affirmations And Prayer For God’s Wealth, Riches, And Abundance!
This is a heartfelt prayer of thanks to God for His infinite abundance. Experience the wealth, riches, opulence, and abundance of God with this...
The One Word Affirmation To Manifest Millions Overnight?
Is there some magical word that you can affirm that will help you manifest millions of dollars overnight? Some would have you believe that,...