Tag: motivation
You Can’t Glorify God Being A LOSER! – Powerfully Anointed Christian...
In this powerfully anointed Christian motivational and inspirational video, Ryan Hicks delves into the truth that glorifying God does not come from a place...
The Allure Of Entertainment Drawing You Away From Your God-Given Creativity!
Most forms of entertainment only serve to dull your senses, limit your creativity, and hinder your discernment. If you allow your life to be...
Reading And Taking Action For Success!
And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the...
Make The Circumstances You Want – Jim Rohn
Make The Circumstances You Want - Jim Rohn
DISCLAIMER: This audio is posted for your education and benefit. I do not necessarily agree with every...
Goal Setting Is For Losers?
Most people who set goals never attain them. Does this mean that goal setters are losers, as some posit?
Music Credit:
"Relaxing Piano Music" Kevin...