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Tag: positive thinking

The Power Of Your Thoughts To Create Better Results In Life!

The Power Of Your Thoughts To Create Better Results In Life!
There is greater power in your thoughts, rightly directed, to create better results in life. Get The "Work Smarter & Harder" Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/work-smart-and-harder-by-ryan-hicksGet The...

Stay Away From Negative People, For They Have A Problem For...

Stay Away From Negative People, For They Have A Problem For Every Solution!
Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution. - Anonymous Get The "Work Smarter & Harder" Book at https://taughttoprofitstore.com/products/work-smart-and-harder-by-ryan-hicksGet The "Co-Creators...

Why You Must Think With The Mind Of Christ!

Why You Must Think With The Mind Of Christ!
You cannot think with the mind of the world or the mind of professing Christendom, which both share the same carnal mind! You must...

The Importance Of Your Feelings To Reveal Your Thoughts To You!

The Importance Of Your Feelings To Reveal Your Thoughts To You!
Your feelings are a beacon showing you the things that you have been thinking about regularly. If you are feeling down, it is not...

Why You Must Bring A Good Report And Know That You...

Why You Must Bring A Good Report And Know That You Can Be Victorious In Christ!
There are really only two reports that you can bring: either a good report or an evil report. Many unwittingly choose to decree evil...