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Tag: power of God

There Is Great Power Available To You Now To Live The...

There Is Great Power Available To You Now To Live The Blessed Life!
The power of God works in you for your good, if you allow it. God's power is freely available to you to use for...

You Must Recognize God’s Power To Live The Blessed Life!

You Must Recognize God's Power To Live The Blessed Life!
You cannot be just trying to do things under your own power. If you are going to live the blessed life you must recognize...

Any Perceived Limitations You May Have Arise From Your Thoughts!

Any Perceived Limitations You May Have Arise From Your Thoughts!
If you have any perceived limitations they are arising from your thoughts. The good news is that you can cast off those old limitations...

You Must Recognize The Power That God Has Given You!

You Must Recognize The Power That God Has Given You!
There is no excuse for a Christian walking through life powerless and a victim of circumstances or the devil. We are endued with power...

Why You Must Stop Believing That God Is In Control Of...

Why You Must Stop Believing That God Is In Control Of Everything!
The religious mythology that God is in control of everything is a major hindrance in the lives of many well-meaning people. It keeps them...