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Tag: power of words

Stop Living Like A Mere Mortal!

Stop Living Like A Mere Mortal!
Are you living below your spiritual inheritance? As a Christian, you are not just a "mere mortal" scraping by! This video is a wake-up...

Unlocking the Hidden Wealth Within You – The Power of Affirmations

Unlocking the Hidden Wealth Within You - The Power of Affirmations
God has not put you here to be broke, weak, sickly, depressed, or any such negative experience. Humans have a great ability to try...

There Are Infinite Possibilities In Your Mouth!

There Are Infinite Possibilities In Your Mouth!
Your words have real power, untapped for your good and the good of those around you. Many people use their words against themselves and...

Stop Being The Historian Of Your Life!

Stop Being The Historian Of Your Life!
Stop talking about the past and expecting more of what you experience in the past to be your experiences in the present and future. Death...

Your Words Have Power! Speak As The Oracles Of God, Not...

Make Sure To Sign Up For My Newsletter And Get A Free Ebook! If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God;...