Tag: raise your frequency
Tuning Yourself Naturally To The Highest Vibrational Frequency!
Talk of vibrations and frequencies can confuse some people not familiar with the terminology or who have wrongly associated it with "new age" or...
The Creative Vibrational Power Of Your Words!
Your words have more power than average people have ever considered. Since most average people have little understanding of cause and effect, they just...
How Your Vibration Affects The Vibration Of Those Around You!
Your mindset, or attitude, or vibration affects those around you for the good or for the bad. Learn in this video how to best...
Should You Stop Your Work To Just Focus On Things You...
There is this common mistake that people make with the law of attraction that hinders them from God's best in their lives. They are...
Understanding Vibration And The Importance Of Raising Your Vibration!
Understanding vibrational states from the Scripture and how we are repeatedly exhorted to raise our vibration can be very important in having a blessed...