Tag: rich christian
Why I Want All Christians To Be Rich!
Being poor is not only against the blessing of the Lord, it is a plain denial of the favor of God the believer should...
Never Be Ashamed Of The Blessing Of The Lord In Your...
Many people have put up resistance between themselves and God's infinite blessings in their lives by being ashamed of the abundance they have. I...
Why You Must Renew Your Spiritual Strength To Be Successful!
Your spiritual strength can be weakened if you allow the world to affect you. Things like the news, social media, and even other people...
You Must Understand That Poverty Is A Disease, Not Something Virtuous!
In this video I address some interesting quotes about poverty from George Bernard Shaw.
The greatest evils and the worst of crimes is poverty; our...
A Call For You To Become Rich If You Really Want...
I am calling on all believers to rise up into the blessing of the Lord that makes rich! As I have defined the term...