Tag: you are a creator
Reality Is A Creation Of Your Heart!
One of the deepest truths that few are capable of receiving is that reality is a creation of your heart. In this video I...
Why You Must Open Yourself Up To The Creativity Of God...
I challenge you in this video to begin a 5 minute daily creativity practice. What you will find from this is that you will...
You Must Recognize The Power That God Has Given You!
There is no excuse for a Christian walking through life powerless and a victim of circumstances or the devil. We are endued with power...
The Nature Of Your Reality And How To Create A Better...
Reality is not what most people think that it is. For the religious, they pretty much universally agree to at least partially blame God...
The Godly Pleasure Of Productivity!
Many seek pleasure in worldly entertainment and "time-wasting" activities that bear no fruit. They will talk about work-life balance and other things that only...