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There is a fatal flaw in many people's behavior where they cover up their own personal transgressions, but then try to condemn the transgressions of others. Rather than being merciful and compassionate people, they seek condemnation and judgment. You...
The lesson of the fly and the bee is very important. Learn to look for the beauty in life and not for unclean things. Focus on the good and watch as God blesses you with avalanches of His abundance! Get...
Stop looking to astrological events or anything external to you for a change. The only change can come from within with repentance and walking in the truth. When you have God in you, Christ in you, then you can...
I know that the world portrays entertainment as the most enjoyable daily activity that you should be partaking in, but the truth is that productive and useful activities bring so much more fulfillment and joy! Get The "Co-Creators With God"...
Most people are not masters of their thoughts, rather they are mastered by them. They respond and bend to every random thought and whim their brain throws before them. This is not a path you have to continue down....