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You are not fated to a certain life. Your life is not a matter of whatever happens being the will of God for your life. You must choose, by the power of God within you, the life that you...
The religious mythology that God is in control of everything is a major hindrance in the lives of many well-meaning people. It keeps them bound by time and chance, robbing them of their God-given power to create the lives...
People sometimes try to separate spiritual matters from business matters, but all areas of our life are spiritual. What can be a greater blessing for our success in life than knowing and being in union with God?! Get The "Work...
Get the print version at Many have wondered if veganism is compatible with Christianity. Others have asserted that animals were put here for humans to use and eat. The Scripture plainly reveals God's eternal will for humans and animals,...
I describe my first business that I can remember and ask you to comment and describe your first business and how it went.