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… ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. (John 16:24) Get The "Co-Creators With God" Book at The "You May Be Broke But You Deserve To Be Rich!" book at The Book "God's Secret...
You cannot be half-hearted or inconsistent in your positive speech. You will get what you have decreed, whether good or bad. This is why it is of the utmost importance that you consistently speak words of blessing and life,...
A viewer asked a question in response to my video "How To Walk In God's Divine Favor." They asked, "You said several times "do the right things" but didn't go into detail about what those things are besides affirmations...
God's grace is more than the false notion of a covering for sin that modern professing Christians love to claim it is, but it is the power to live righteously and have the abundance of God in your life....
There is no reason to keep choosing to be ruled by circumstances or act as if whatever happens must have been God's will for your life. God's will for your life is for you to experience heaven on earth,...