If you have ever set a reminder on your phone or other device you know how easy they are to snooze and never get done. Reminders are important, but how the reminder is sent is equally important. This is where FollowUpThen comes in handy. It provides you with unlimited reminders via email. You can send yourself reminders with pictures, text, and forward emails to yourself to follow up on later. The later becomes especially valuable if you are trying to keep your inbox uncluttered with emails that you “keep meaning to get to.”
FollowUpThen is simple to use. You simply send an email to a pre-selected email like 4hours@followupthen.com, and then in 4 hours that email will be sent to you. You can set it for specific days like December24@followupthen.com. You can set monthly reminders by emailing every15th@followupthen.com, which would have that reminder be sent to you every 15th of the month. You can be more specific with every15th8am@followupthen.com, for every 15th of the month at 8 am. You can set reminders at custom intervals like every12hours@followupthen.com or every2years@followupthen.com. You can set daily reminders like daily5pm@followupthen.com or weekdays5pm@followupthen.com. As you can see from these few examples the functionality is very broad, though it is as simple as sending an email to use. They also have features like response detection (to detect if someone you sent an email to responded), calendar integration, tasks, SMS reminders, email-based actions, and a lot more.
I used FollowUpThen to cut down my email workload from 2 hours a day to around 30 minutes a day. It easily paid for itself that first day in the time it saved me. In many ways it can be set up to operate like a true virtual assistant.
They have a free version and a paid version (which starts at only $2 a month). The free version may be all you need, but if you need more follow ups or advanced features like Calendar Integration, Response Detection, SMS Reminders, Customization, and User Management then the Premium paid version would be perfect for you.

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