Many people get way ahead of themselves by thinking that merely having a business idea is the equivalent of being a successful entrepreneur. While business ideas are great, they are absolutely worthless if they are never put into action....
In your interactions with people you should never be afraid to ask for what you want. In most cases the very worst thing that could happen is that they say, "No." This also applies to your walk with God....
The amount of waste that is involved in the average reseller's business is appalling. In many cases it leads to lower profits (or no profits) and the eventual demise of the business. We need to be frugal, wise, and...
Study mentioned in the video:
Get The "Work Smarter & Harder" Book at The "Co-Creators With God" Book at The "You May Be Broke But You Deserve To Be Rich!" book at The Book "God's Secret...
In this video I will teach you some fundamental truths that will enable you to be better at sourcing good locally at garage sales, from individuals, on local marketplaces, etc.
Get The "Work Smarter & Harder" Book at The...