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The power of your words to create your life is largely overlooked today. Many people blame the circumstances and experiences in their lives for the circumstances and experiences in their lives, as if they are self-caused. The reality is...
People sometimes try to separate spiritual matters from business matters, but all areas of our life are spiritual. What can be a greater blessing for our success in life than knowing and being in union with God?! Get The "Work...
Can you choose the day that you are going to have? Many people would say that you cannot make such a choice, but I am here to tell you that not only can you, but you do each day...
There sometimes can be this error that humans make in thinking that they should not pray for things that are "too small." I know that as a teenager I had this issue where I did not want to "bother"...
Many people have put up resistance between themselves and God's infinite blessings in their lives by being ashamed of the abundance they have. I am not encouraging anyone to be "showy" about the blessings in their lives, but we...