I challenge you in this video to begin a 5 minute daily creativity practice. What you will find from this is that you will begin to get witty inventions and wise ideas that you never had before. It will...
Maturing in Christ does not mean going deeper into poverty, lack, and limitation. Growth in grace comes with a natural understanding of the abundance and blessing of the Lord. The immature dwell in poverty, lack, and limitation, hoping and...
Many think that they are being wise by "keeping it real" or "being realistic." In fact, they are betraying themselves and others by spewing forth the negativity of the world. They are empowering the negative in their lives and...
Positivity is not optional if you are going to be a remarkable success in life. As long as you allow other people to control your attitude by their actions, you are essentially a servant to them. In this video,...
You can choose to align yourself against God and believe the priests of unrighteousness in the world's media, telling you doom and gloom, or you can align yourself with the goodness, grace, and blessing of the Lord. The way...