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If you have any perceived limitations they are arising from your thoughts. The good news is that you can cast off those old limitations and start choosing to be the successful, expansive, and better person that you want to...
Knowing God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ is not about going to church. It is not about keeping the ten commandments, anyone in the flesh could keep them. It is not about listening to Christian music. To...
Your spiritual strength can be weakened if you allow the world to affect you. Things like the news, social media, and even other people can drag you down. You must renew your strength if you are going to live...
Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,  Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil (1 Corinthians 13:4-5). I pray that you...
The world's negativity is not of God, it is not Christian, and it is not righteous. It is from the world that "lieth in wickedness" (1 John 5:19). You must take up the right thinking and speaking, speaking words...