Playing the role of a victim is not what you were designed to be. You must rise up as a man or woman of God, and master your life and circumstances. Take responsibility for your life, even the things...
The limited, mediocre life that so many suffer through is not for you! You were led to this video to learn just how limitless your life can be!
Get The "Co-Creators With God" Book at The "You May Be...
There is no excuse for a Christian walking through life powerless and a victim of circumstances or the devil. We are endued with power from on High and can walk in this life as Jesus did, one with the...
The religious mythology that God is in control of everything is a major hindrance in the lives of many well-meaning people. It keeps them bound by time and chance, robbing them of their God-given power to create the lives...
You must look at life differently and do all things unto the Lord to become the success that you deserve to be!
Get The "Co-Creators With God" Book at The "You May Be Broke But You Deserve To Be...