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The world and many worldly professing Christians will have you believing that life is miserable and hard, but the truth of God is that your life is what you choose to make of it. In this video you will...
I was in a bookstore and in the Christian books section there were books talking about how to learn to live within your limits and how to settle for less. This mediocrity is anti-Christ. Christians must stop babbling out...
The Christian life is not supposed to be filled with mediocrity and suffering. There is true power available to all who are in Christ Jesus! The limits that society places on you or that you accept for yourself are...
"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he..." (Proverbs 23:7).
Many will not even read books that may have some minor things they disagree with. They are robbing themselves of many skills including discernment and the knowledge they could have gained from knowing an opposing point of view.