Business Essentials

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One of Donald Trump's advisors asked how he was doing, and Trump said, "I told him I needed a break. I was thoroughly exhausted, overwhelmed, and overworked." His advisor then said, “Do you know what you should do now?”...
Get The Muse: And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide: and he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, behold, the camels were coming. (Genesis 24:63) This book of the law shall not depart out...
Many people just repeat this saying of "Your Network is your Net Worth" without even thinking about it. Numerous networking meetings and conferences exist solely based on this theory, but the reality is that few actually become wealthy due...
Many people do not communicate in a way that really reflects their knowledge of a matter or their intelligence. Learn a few simple tweaks that can have a dramatic effect on how you are perceived and how your words...
Many today are trying to "do what they love" as a business and it ends often in miserable failure. This idea is so common that people never even stop to question it or consider if it has any truth...