Reseller Mindset

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The amount of waste that is involved in the average reseller's business is appalling. In many cases it leads to lower profits (or no profits) and the eventual demise of the business. We need to be frugal, wise, and...
I have been reselling on multiple platforms for over 20 years and have helped resellers become more successful. If you have a question, please feel free to ask it and I will answer it in a video for you!...
As mentioned in the video, the Bad Buyer Experience policy is for a select few sellers outside of the US, but it still has US buyers whining and complaining. Coming changes to the marketplaces to make sellers better should...
We must be cognizant of the mindset that we have in our reselling businesses. Many people have unknowingly adopted a negative attitude and it hinders them from greater success in business. In many cases it actually cuts them off...
We must learn to be constantly expanding our businesses and not shrink back into mediocrity and failure. There are many things that resellers do that keep them from greater success, and lessening the activity in the business is one...