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Time is one of your most valuable resources. It is a gift of God that is meant to be redeemed and not wasted. Too many dishonor God with time wasting activities, even saying that they are partaking of some...
There is no excuse for a Christian walking through life powerless and a victim of circumstances or the devil. We are endued with power from on High and can walk in this life as Jesus did, one with the...
The company that you keep will directly impact your vibrational state, and thus, your life. You cannot associate with negative, low vibration people and positively maintain your high vibration. They will drag you down and you will begin to...
The religious mythology that God is in control of everything is a major hindrance in the lives of many well-meaning people. It keeps them bound by time and chance, robbing them of their God-given power to create the lives...
This quote, "Don't Ever Be Afraid To Start Small," given as advice by Phoebe Apperson Hearst is full of a lot of wisdom that would keep people from needless suffering and failures in life. Though thy beginning was small, yet...