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Your mindset, or attitude, or vibration affects those around you for the good or for the bad. Learn in this video how to best vibrate the vibration that brings more good people and pleasant experiences into your life. Get The...
There is an important key to the law of attraction that many people leave out, and leaving this undone leads to failed results or even negative results! Learn what this is and how to best get the results that...
The vast majority of the failures, suffering, and problems in the world are caused by people not following the leading of the Spirit. Many never even seek His wisdom for their lives, and just blindly walk through life leaning...
John Wesley had a beautiful quote in describing the religion of those who believe that God has decreed everything that happens, including all evil. He said that their God was his devil. Many people have this blasphemous view of...
There sometimes can be this error that humans make in thinking that they should not pray for things that are "too small." I know that as a teenager I had this issue where I did not want to "bother"...