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Every day you are presented with opportunities that could lead to your success, happiness, and wealth. Do not delay or wait till the opportunity passes before making a decision. Be quick, wise, and decisive. These small opportunities often lead...
One milion dollars a year can seem like a daunting task to achieve, but with some basic math and understanding of scaling you can achieve it! A million dollars a year is simply $2,739.73 a day. Learn in this...
There is a lot of negativity in the reselling community and if you give heed to it you will be brought down. I have seen too many people who were on their ways to great reselling success get sidetracked...
Do not let your hiring decisions be made with the intent of making the person into a nice person. If a person is not already nice and positive then you are bringing a problem into your company. Do not...
We see in the case of Job a man who let his constant focus on fear bring him things he hoped would never happen in his life. We do this ourselves if we allow fear and negative thinking to...