
Home Success Page 55
In this video I give you a very simple exercise to calm your mind down to hear the voice of God. This will help you to have your ears open to hear and you will be led into all...
I mentioned in a previous video (see the link below) that fear has little power compared to positivity. A viewer asked about how this applied when Job experienced terrible results from what he greatly feared. Video referenced: Get The "Co-Creators...
Fear is a great roadblock on the road of success for many people. They confuse mediocrity with safety, end up never achieving success, and find out that mediocrity was even more risky than taking action towards success. Get The "Co-Creators...
The world teaches near infinite consumption. Production is only encouraged in the confines of working for someone else (who is producing). Consumerism is running rampant and has infected most people as they see entertainment and more "things" as what...
Often the reason for unanswered prayer and lack of success is very plain, but religion has clouded the minds of many people with doubts about God's willingness to bless and speak to them. Learn in this video how to...